Meowycakes Clothing Co. =^,,^=
well well well
As I posted on the Sock KAL - I had to frog the 7 inches that I had progressed thru from the last 2 weeks b/c I jacked the cast-on count *grrrr*
I have named the back portion of my Kyoto
The Great Curling Monster
b/c since it is 134 sts wide and heading towards 14 inches of stockinette stitch - IT IS CURLING BACK UP ON ITSELF!!!!!!
I am going to block the hell outta this MOFO - I can't wait for this part to be done...
John is doing our taxes right now and already thinking of ways to keep me from buying more yarn with our refund LMAO
Angel is mad b/c I bought her a new automatic pet fountain and she is scared of it. juhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (that was Her Majesty walking over the keyboard just now hahahaha)
I have Chinese food for dinner *yum*
I'll be back in a bit - phone....
Saturday fun n games
Last night (Friday) John & I went to his monthly poker tourney --- this is where 10-15 of our friends get together, pay 20 bucks a seat and play for the top 3 prizes of cash in a Texas Hold Em style tournament. John has won 5 out of the last 11 so I was hoping :)...
Well, he was the 4th one out. I don't play very well, so during the games I'll sit quietly in the corner and knit while watching a movie or tv... my corner becomes the Loser's Lounge as more and more players get knocked out. Last night I was watching 40 Greastest Moments in NASCAR on CMT and then Jason (one of Dan's buddies - very nice and CUTE) came over and asked if he could put a movie in. So we watched Barbershop - funny as sh*t ...
We had a dinner break (Pizza Hut pizza) then the gameplay resumed, and about an hour later, John got bumped by Kendra. (We call her Dirty Sally forsome weird reason LOL)
In that time frame, I worked on my Kyoto - then knitted a tool pouch for John in camoflage Red Heart yarn. It's hilarious, but it's just what he wanted --- I'll snap a pic of it after I get the button attached.
Today I'm closing, so it gives me some time to actually eat and knit a bit b4 I have to leave. John on the other hand had hit snooze like 7 times and I need to get his butt out of bed or he'll be late for work LOL
Which is what I'll do right now --- be back in a bit
kyotoKAL button
Wow I can't seem to get warm today --- it's my day off, and I'm a curled up under 3 blankets, fully clothed and trying to knit, but my fingers are like ICE - maybe some hot tea? AM I getting a cold? Hope not. I hate being sick.
Trying to negotiate this new blog thing, knit and stay warm...grrrrr
Ohhh... I put a heating pad under Her Majesty and she is sleeping contentedly on the ottoman near me, but I'm thinking of pulling it away from her b/c I'm so damn cold! Aw,can't do it - she's sleeping belly up, paws in the air and snoring softly...
Well, I'm also trying to make headway on Kyoto today, but I also started a new project I found in Knit1 mag... a fur-trimmed skirt! (trying to pep up my work wardrobe LOL)
Yowza! I'm trying to upload pics - what a concept. WTF is up with this Hello thingy? LOL
The NASCAR fan in me....
roxy part2
Posted by Hello
Yay zib :)
Posted by Hello
Posted by Hello
Posted by Hello
Another knitting blog *sigh*
I discovered this service thru the Knit a Long Sock KAL and and several people have pm'd me to start an official blog for the Kyoto KAL 2005 so here we are... I'm trying to dust off my old HTML skills so if this all looks kooky or weird - don't worry, I'll get it LOL
Until I get the buttons linked, here's some URLs to navigate to our projects:
And one of my favorite sites of all-time:
Be back in a bit,
xo Rox
Welcome to the MCC
This is a fledgling blog attempt but thank you for hanging in there with us :)
Be back in a sec...