Meowycakes Clothing Co. =^,,^=
More math homework.
Originally uploaded by こんにちはキティ harajukuroxy アン.OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN DOING EFFING MATH HOMEWORK SINCE 1:30PM THIS AFTERNOON AND IT'S GOING ON 10:25PM AND I'M ONLY1/2 DONE!!!!!!!
Now mind you, I stopped for an hour to eat dinner and another hour to watch the end of the race, and about 45 minutes, scattered around, to check email & Facebook, but this is ridiculous.
In total, I have about 200 written problems to write out/solve/graph, my 4-page take home exam, and 150 online problems to solve, plus a 36-question online exam... all due tomorrow morning.
Lesson learned?
Being sick sucks.
Being sick while on spring break sucks.
Being sick while on spring break and having to work while sick sucks.
All of the above, plus a week's worth of assignments just plain sucks.
Gotta go put another pot of coffee on. I'm just bitching cos it's my own damn fault and I'm just venting b/c I still feel like sh*t. Don't mind me.
The good news is that I actually know what this crap is LOL
Talk to y'all later
....spring break....
Does that mean anything to anyone?*chuckles softly*Hello my little chickadees. I am into Day 2 of Spring Break and I'm having a bit of a letdown. People I know are skiing, going to Texas, Florida and sleeping in. I am working and catching up on my algebra homework due on Monday. I'm also still unpacking boxes from my move last month (yes. it. sucks.) and I think I'm getting a nasty chest cold... haven't been able to breathe in 2 days, even with those highfalutin' drugs I take for asthma. Of course, when you only get 4 hours of sleep a night it's kinda hard to keep up. I've also gained back a bunch of the weight I lost working in the restaurants because I eat 2 regular meals a day and run around a lot less now. For Easter, I washed clothes, went to church, and scrubbed my bathroom.Grrrr.The good news is that I did a speech (about peanut butter) for my communications course and I got a 95!The other good news is that I got through the first part of my algebra course and I got an A!
(I haven't gotten in A in any math in over 20 years!)
Thank you to Miss Pam, Alice, Carrie, & Jenn and the rest of my crew for their unwavering support of my absentee arse and my crankyness LOLI miss my Ali & Cristi grrrls - it's hard to believe it's been over 3 weeks since they were up. We had SUCH a good time and I would give anything to have quality time with my friends like that all the time :)
March Madness is in full swing and my Mountaineers CRUSHED Duke! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Kicked their asses! Schooled them! Ha! So am just waiting for Thursday to roll around so we can resume the tourney LOL
Maryland Sheep & Wool anyone? It's right around the corner.
Cherry Blossoms.
A Rita's Italian Ice.
Sleeping cats.
My yarn stash.
A nice Lexie Barnes bag.
(can you tell I'm thinking of things to make myself feel better?)
Catch you guys later, I's sleepy.
You better work!
Originally uploaded by junku.Okay I just had this great blog posting all set here that took me 37 minutes to write and effing Firefox crashed and I've lost it. Guess what?
I'm too shredded to try and recreate it because I was up til 4:42 am trying to finish homework for 2 classes this morning and had to get up again @ 6:45 am to try and finish what I didn't get to on the previous attempt.
Maybe later I will try to redo it, but for now, I'm going to go take a nap.
Thanks to junku for sharing Miss Kin doing her RuPaul impersonation
today :)