And now my ass is back...
...with pink eye.
So did y'all miss me while I was gone? (LOL! I wasn't blogging, but I was still chatting from the road at the Coffeeshop and SubSpot)
Back to work. I'm stuck in the workaholic phase again, so a week off did nothing for me except afford me to sleep til 8:30 instead of my usual 6 am *sigh* I'm trying to keep my spirits up by working on my Lift & Separate, Orangina and designing a cute (and ridiculously easy) pullover to see if my knitting has become any more advanced hahaha
The kittens are growing bigger every day. Clamshell has learned the fine art of screen door climbing so he and Mathers always greet me around 8 pm (or whenever I get home if it's a closing shift) banging on the back sliding door. Johnsonville has taken to hissing at me whenever I get close to her but I can manage to grab her for a sec every now and then.
Little bitch.
So now I am back up to 8 kats:
- Slinky Baby (grandma of J'ville & Clamshell, momma to Mascara, Patchy, Mathers)
- Mascara (father of J'ville & Clamshell - I just found out last week "she" is really a "he" when he turned around, lifted tail and showed me his business LOL)
- Patchy Baby (momma of ^^)
- Mathers
- Slinky Gray Baby
- Clamshell
- Johnsonville
- Angel's Evil Twin
I've lost track of Foo, Deez Nuts, Marshall and Crunk. Hope they are okay.Please help out these awesome charities... It costs you nothing except a moment of your time! :)And
Thanks! Will be back later!
Also click here for Elizabeth's art project
Double thanky!