Meowycakes Clothing Co. =^,,^=
Oh come on!!!!!
Dear Powers That Be Effing With My Day/Week/Time Off:I should already be on the road for my effing vacation for Pete's sake.ARRRRRRRRGH---- *
EDITED BECAUSE I NEVER KNOW WHO'S READING MY SH*T* - had to censor myself on the knittyboards too just to be safe too LOL...I'm still in my jammies and the bathtub and toilet have proceeded to back up while I am on the phone.HELLO?!?! I AM ON F*****G VACATION!!!!!!! HANDLE IT YOURSELVES!!!!!!I was supposed to be sleeping under a quilt on a porch in the sunshine after eating homemade apple pie and crabcakes WV-style with my SIL & MIL by now and then prepping for my spa/casino days next week.... why are you bothering me?So now I'm in stand-by mode while they roto-rooter our sewer plumbing system and wait for John to come home - If we leave tonight I think I can keep it together without maiming anyone.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So now I am cranking out a small baby hat for a project suggested by DomesticOverlord and Pam in regards to a close friend of Pam's.All while I wait patiently for my husband. On a positive note, I had great conversation with Cristi, Kay and Monkee after the plumbers left and I cleaned out the bathroom. Then I ate a microwave-baked apple for breakfast.
Just waiting for the Man to get the eff home
(above illustration courtesy of the totally awesome Jake & Kat) we can go on vacation LOL
As far as I know, we are hopping around to visit my in-laws and another trip to AC, plus a surprise *ponders*... we'll seeeeeeee....
UGH. I am so unmotivated to do anything except sleep! It's so sad when life revolves around how much you can (or can't) inspect the back of your eyelids.
In other news - went to Dover on Sunday and had yet another great time! I met Ken Schrader (#21 - Wood Brothers Little Debbie/Air Force Ford Fusion) and got rained on while it was still hot as balls out. Gawd, I'm such a redneck woman, despite my best efforts to hide it LOL
Stephy made it up to MD from NC earlier this week and starts her new job(s) tomorrow and Monday. God bless Alice for helping her get a leg up on her new life... that woman is amazing. (read her blog - you'll see)
I'm knitting an ugly fun fur wrap just because I wanted instant gratification on a project, and am mourning the semi-frogging of my Lift & Separate. I'm actually almost done and my hand does not hurt so much this week, which is a good thing.
I still need to complete 2 baby blankets, a baby bolero, and a booga bag, but again - it's going to instant gratification for me this weekend.
John & I are looking at a new car or truck for him - it's getting more and more costly to maintain his SUV which really chaps my ass, but we can only do so much at a time.
Hey Karen... meat under the bar?
Shit. I still have piccies I want to post, but gosh darn it --- I really am that unmotivated to get up, find my crappy camera and download the memory card.
And the crickets are going full-steam right now....
Thank you yet again to Cristi (turtlegirl76) for finding knitting inspiration for me - her blog has a cool tutorial link to West End Knits for the prettiest knitting row counter bracelets...
This is a recent pic of Cristi (on the left) Zonda (in the middle) & Stephy (on the right), ganked from Zonda's blog:
Duran Duran is playing in Niagara Falls on Nov. 4th. I want to cry because I would love to go see them, but there's no way I'd make it there and back in 2 (even 3) days without killing my bank account or my sanity... it's a loooooooooooooooong drive that I did once in 27 hours (11 hrs each way from NJ with 4 1/2 in Canada with no break in between) and I was toasted.
You too can own a bit of DD nostalgia - charity drive for the Booker T Washington Learning Center... at time of this post --- this item is now bid up to $416.02USD
I miss my mother. She's 3000 miles away and I haven't seen her in 2 years, but we talk every week. I also haven't seen my little sis in 8 years but we chat on the phone 3x a month.
*sigh* I'm almost done packing my stuff... I'm looking forward to a spa day and some sushi.
Guess I'll wrap it up for now --- sorry about the boring posting but there must be juuuuuust emough interest there if y'all keep coming back, right? LOL
I appreciate you my dear reader, really. Especially when you leave off-the-wall comments that remind me how awesome my circle of friends are.
Catch you on the other side of a pedicure and a plate of tuna maki
blah blah fishcakes
No reason. Just too tired to make a real blog post, but I got nudged by several peeps to update something LOL
I'll holler back later this week, I have piccies and random fun shit. Maybe a contest?
There is a contest on Harajukuroxy, in case anyone has been over there in the last few weeks... *wink*
And a thought passed on via email from my lovely, dear friend Kay whom I love dearly :)
May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers,half truths, superficial relationships, so that youwill live deep within your heart.May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppressionand exploitation of people so that you will work forjustice, equality and peace.May God bless you with tears to shed for those whosuffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war, so thatyou will reach out your hand to comfort them andchange their pain into joy.And may God bless you with the foolishness to think thatyou can make a difference in the world, so that you will dothe things which others tell you cannot be done.Author Unknown~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
PS -- did y'all talk like a pirate today?
Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-n ;)
I had two emotional extremes today less than 30 minutes apart...
First. I was on my way to work and came down the highway to roll up behind the most wonderful car I've seen in a long time... the 2006 Saleen Ford Mustang 281 GT. In graphite gray, with chrome black ground effects and a quad exhaust that just RUMBLED and made me swoon it was so beautiful. The guy driving it was a little geeky, but what the hell - I'd do him just for the car LOL (oh stop it- I am so kidding) ... but either way, I had 19 miles of pure driving fun just keeping up/riding shotgun to this gorgeous car and Mr. Geek obliged by letting me draft him so I could feel the rumble all the way to the light before I turn off to my mall. I'm an extremely happy cat by this point.Second. I got to work a few minutes early so I decided to save a trip and make an exchange of some cat-related goods at my local Petco location. You all have been thru it before--- you buy stuff and purchase too much (can we say yarn sale?) so you make the move to get your $ back or some kind of credit, etc. so that you are not stuck with stuff you ain't gonna use. Well, I had made my purchase about 3 weeks ago at a Petco a little closer to home - but not convenient hours-wise - yet I had lost the receipt so I'm figuring store credit for the current price was acceptable, since I wasn't smart enough to save the receipt and also figured that these locations were close enough that they could honor my exchange... boy, was I assuming a lot. To make a long story short - the ignorant bitch Assistant Manager basically accused me of stealing, refused to do my exchange, and gave me false info when I asked to speak to her supervisor or district manager.All from the doorway of her office.When I pressed the issue,she scribbled a "Customer Relations" phone # that was wrong so I had to hunt down the right # myself, then was rudely dissed by the CSR Denise who happened to waste air on the other end of my connection.NEVER SHOP AT PETCO, GUYS!!INCOMPETENCE AND POOR, POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE (or serious lack of) ARE THEIR TRADEMARKS AND I HOPE PETSMART PUTS THEIR SORRY, LAME ASSES OUT OF BUSINESS!!!SO in short... I was blissfully ecstatic (following around the 400 horsepower of a $60,00 muscle car) and horrendously outraged (for $12 worth of pet products) in the span of less than 30 minutes today.WTF?Well, anyways.... have a cat. I'm going to go knit.
How funny is this?
I was tagged and I didn't even know it.... LAST year!
*chuckles softly*