Inquiring minds regarding manufactured drama update
You asked. I'm delivering LOL
This cracks me up. It's the latest from the Leech:
She was outlining her holiday gifting in a thread on the boards...
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:05 amDad: Culture Warrior by Bill O'Reilly. Not my thing, but he'll like it.
Mom: Mini-Clapotis.
Sister: Chik-Fil-A calendar (we love the COWS!), a lipgloss, and her latest obsession, shoelaces. (I-cord, of course.)
Grandpa: cookies, as customary.
Grandma: KSH lace scarf, which isn't finished, but I think I'm going to wrap the work in progress and give it to her like that, then finish it later--not an uncommon practice in my family.
Best friend: picture frame set.
The rest...don't know yet.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
That was discussed in chat a few days ago about the ramifications of said gifting, then...
An extremely, ever-brilliant response rocked out in another thread:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:14 am
Dear Leech,
The one person that supported you all year long and you can't be bothered to prioritize and finish making her gift? Nice. And way to list all the stuff you bought other people for Christmas for all the people you swindled to see what you're spending your money on. You're a class act.
- And yes, total agreement - half-knitted presents are tacky if a) you have an easy project you could have prioritized especially for someone who has done so much for you b) you whine about not having a job and no money when you clearly had free time on your hands to complete it but instead did things like get a tattoo and c) how could you afford KSH if you have no job? Did you win a bet to pay for that too? Did the LYS owner give you freebies? Did you spend $ that wasn't yours? Did you redirect RAK items again?
And this little random gem, which shows her priorities are totally skewed IMHO
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:53 am
Dear idiots on another forum,
It's a fricking WRITING site. Spell check, for gourd's sake!
She's worried about how people are spell-checking their posts? Get a job! Contribute to society! Stop whining! Pay people back! That should be your concern!
Oh I forgot this one - someone just reminded me via PM
Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:27 amDear liar,
You know you lied, and you know you twisted the truth to suit your purposes. So why do you think I'm going to run from you? You have something of which to feel ashamed. I don't. I have nothing to hide, and nothing to hide from. In fact, if asked by someone who actually mattered, I could give an exact account of myself for your accusations. But I don't think you're worth the effort. So who cares about your rudeness?
Last edited by ******** on Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
She apparently got pissed at people in chat that night when called out on various levels of crap LOL Loooo-hoooo-ser.
Two thumbs up to the chat team!
There are also regular posts about stuff in random places, but a few people have pointed out to me that her posts really don't contribute anything earth-shattering and useful to most others and I would have to agree. My husband, who mods another popular board says that she is the equivalent of a wannabe and if she were posting in his community - they would totally flame her for being such an idiot, and that the crap she does post does nothing to elevate her standing in the board community at this point... Besides, based on the discussions I've had recently, I know that y'all wanted to get the 411 on the drama-related stuff *chuckle*
I have to laugh in disgust about all this because again, definitely not my first choice in what I care to think/discuss about during my day, but so many people are scratching their head over what other bullsh*t is coming down the pike from this unbelieveable loser, asking me what's up and all so I am addressing inquiring minds here.
Unfortunately, she's such a whining attention-slut, that she's probably getting a woody knowing that people are talking about her.
Sad. Very sad.
I'd be so ashamed if that were me, my daughter or sister. I guess she has no self-respect or is oblivious to social stature standards --- or she is that ignorant because if she knew the full circle of what people have said to me about what they think of her, she'd grow up in a hurry and act like a lady for a change.
So that's the latest. Enjoy it like a second cup of coffee and hitting the snooze button again for the 3rd time LOL
Well, time for me to get back to the grind... the job does not stop even if you only got 4 hours of sleep!