Meowycakes Clothing Co. =^,,^=
31 July 2007
  Angel says hi

26 July 2007
  Uptown Boot sock - cast on

First cable round. STR Heavyweight Footzey Foo, sz 2 dpns

Many thanks to my friends who have been commenting/emailing/msging me in the last two days in response to my previous post. I truly love & appreciate you all... I must apologize again for seemingly dumping such depressing crap "out there" but sometimes I just have to let it out. You deserve medals for having to put up with me.

My sockysock time is like baby steps - I casted this on last week and this is how far I've gotten... I usually only get time for 1 or 2 rounds before I have to put it down and move onto something else but I'm hoping these will be fabulous.

Another round of hugs to my grrrls... gotta go drug up, grab a tea then head to bed. 5:30 am comes very fast.

24 July 2007
  I has a flavor... sometimes. Okay so I am a sporadic blogger. I get emails from my friends - both cyber & IRL - asking about my life and usually I have the same stock answer... I work too much, have next to no free time and if I'm not sick on my way to the dr. I usually have some other kind of issue or ailment. I also get emails and text messages asking if I'm "still alive".

*chuckles softly*

It's actually quite sad, because my life is no longer interesting. And I still feel badly for being just plain ill for John's birthday, even though there was nothing I could have done about it.

I have beautiful stash that I don't get to play with. I have friends that I rarely get to see and I am afraid to make plans outside of work because frequently, work is the monkey wrench that throws me off balance. My husband is frustrated because we hardly get to see each other (he works a set schedule in a job he loves and is really good at... lucky him)
I look forward to the days when I can sleep past 7 am. I have to make a daily decision of whether I want to knit, catch up on email and internet time, sleep, or spend time with cat and DH. This does not include time needed to balance my checkbook & pay bills, wash clothes, or eat.
(Lack of eating is usually because I'm too tired, but lately it's feeling like a budget crunch too - much less eating out these days, which was my quality time with the hubby but we just plain can't afford it for now) I'm happy if I can do any 1 or 2 of the described activities on a day that I've worked no less than 11-12 hrs.

My base salary now is more than what I made at my previous career, but I've lost my extra income from bonuses & commissions, and working a regular 2nd/3rd job a few hours a week. Oh sure, there are bonus incentives on the table for me, but the situation is such that achieving bonus is near-impossible at this point... too many variables that I cannot control. So overall my discretionary income (savings, shopping, NASCAR, etc.) has disappeared and I don't know how to re-coup any of it since my present career takes up ALL of my time. I couldn't work a 2nd/3rd job on a regular basis even if I wanted to right now. It's depressing, because I can't RAK or buy awesome gifts like I used to, much less keep ahead of the day-to-day expenses. I have to turn down invites to go places with friends because I really can't afford the time off or the costs. I even played with the idea of putting my whole yarn & craft stash up on eBay again, one shot, to see what I can get for it and maybe pay off some bills and put $ back into the rainy day fund. I mean, I'm not getting to spend any time with all this gorgeous yarn and crafty stuff these why not?

OMG I really sound like I'm whining again, don't I? I'll stop. I didn't want you to come here and be dragged down by my issues. I need to figure out a new course of action, because I can't keep up this pace.

On to more fun things.

Ravelry is great. I've taken a bit of my internet time daily since joining to try and add/organize things in my notebook, Flickr, and assorted sections. Jess & Casey have done an amazing job so far, and I applaud them. I wish we had the moxie and means to be able to quit our day jobs and run a fab community like Ravelry. I thank my homegirls Pam & Cristi for introducing me to it.

Speaking of Pam -- she's the ultimate Harry Potter fan, I swear. Not in the manner that she gets dressed up in Hogwarts robes and all that, but in the fact that her stakeout at B&N and marathon reading session, after her amazing Molly Weasley FO adventure... it's all fantastic. And Kris is the ultimate supportive husband LOL. I'm still waiting for his finished product on a photo shoot he did for me last month but I know he's super-busy with his own job & life so I'm not hassling anyone about it. Amazing, fabulous people those two are and I'm glad they are my friends.

Some more friends of mine just bought a house in Las Vegas. They will be moving out west from NJ sometime at the end of the year to get away from metro East Coast chaos and live in the desert, in the shadows of neon and casinos LOL
Good for them. I'm glad more people are daring to dream of a different life.

Maybe I can go to Canada and become one of those truckers who haul supplies across the Northwest Territories lakes and ice tundras - you can make up to $80K in 3 months during the season, depending on the size & hazard level of your freight haul. I almost considered it back in the early 90's, but then chose a different career vocation. Seriously.

I also thought about going back to school. Dr. Roxy, how does that sound? LOL
WHo knows. (I am just typing in stream-of-consciousness right now, just because.) I'd be one old-ass freshman that's for sure.
Wouldn't it be funny if my boss has found my blogs? (Not really.) I mean I'm not disclosing any personally identifiable shit right? Nor am I slamming anyone, anything that could cause problems down the road related to the job... ah, I'm so tired my eyes hurt.

I am going to make a cup of tea, knit a few rounds on my sockysock and tuck in for sleeps. Maybe I will feel better in the morning.. all I know is I wish this latest bout of ickyness would just get done and be gone...

Talk to you later,


22 July 2007
  It's me
Another view
Originally uploaded by harajukuroxy.

... on Ravelry now!

I got my invite two days ago and have been chipping away at my new profile.
(in between getting sick again and trying to celebrate

It's John's berfday

John's birthday too...)


I'll be back later this week with some real blogging, but I just wanted to say hi for now :)

11 July 2007
  This photo is sort of relevant...

Crabs. And the Roxinator
Originally uploaded by harajukuroxy.

As is this one... because...

Click here

for a looksee...

  spice girls are back
spice girls are back
Originally uploaded by THE QUEER OF ALL MEDIA- Victoria Beckham EXPOSEE.

Oh yeah, I'm ready. :)

  Wassup revisited LOL

ANd - I suck.

Mingle2 Free Online Dating - Science Quiz 
09 July 2007
  Only a G. I like kittens

Meow!2 - hubba hubba

Ganked from LibiLou - thanks sweety!

Huh? I'm only a G? Harrrumph. 

Another bag I covet LOL

So I was feeling sentimental today and found some old memorabilia circa 1985



Old school! I had a t shirt and a poster from the original commission, and something made me think about that all over again...gosh do I feel old. This was from 2005. Here's a bit of history on the racing piece. I would love to take up competitive sailing, but it's both expensive and time-restrictive. (If I was going to get back into sports, it would be hockey and lacrosse first LOL) I do however, remain a fan. Yay Volvo Ocean Race!


On a more positive note, I am feeling better. Thank you to everyone who has sent/is sending me get-well messages & emails... I appreciate every single one of them. Now I'm able to add stuff to my rice and not feel queasy - yay!

To the one asshole idiot who thinks they are too cool to post normal comments like the rest of us, screw you and your meanness - I have comment moderation for a reason, so get over yourself. Really. You are pathetic.

I'm making another hat for Pam's Hats For Alex project - it's a soft, squishy red and it's making me smile because for the first time in ages, I'm enjoying the simplicity of a beanie knitted in the round. (or it could be that I'm over-tired... not sure yet, but I will let you know.) After I complete this one, that will be hat # 6 when I finally get to my storage unit and gather up the other ones, plus my Mary Read Scarves and to spend time with The Yarn Stash That Does Not Live With Me LOL
I totally have not cranked out nearly as many as Bezzie but I'm doing what I can. Please send hats for Alex - everyone counts! :)

07 July 2007

OMG I just spent the last 2 days miserable as sh*t because of a lovely shrimp sammich wrap from ************ ** ******** in Pasadena that tasted great going down but man oh man - I woke up at 1:45 am Friday morning truly believing I was going to die . I sat in the tub with the shower running on me for a good 3 hours until the water ran out (apartment hot water tank)

So all I'm eating is bland stuff.... white rice, noodles and crackers. And sleeping the gurgling away. I barely have energy to knit :(

This is a "get well" care package from my boss's kids that I received yesterday - it has Gatorade, saltines and animal crackers and a bouquet of gerber daisies from the local farmer's market in Annapolis.
My heart melted when I read the note - it has sketches of me as Hello Kitty and hearts on it. So Sweet! Thank you Abby & Jack!

From Abby
05 July 2007

  A Blueberry Pom cooler

At Cheeseburger In Paradise. 
04 July 2007
  Pam's Mollys
Originally uploaded by trillian42.rm.

OMG these sleeves are incredible. Pam cranked them out in record time and they look so good.... go visit her blog for deets and a linky to purchse the pattern - wooooooooo

You go girl!

I'm knitting-crazy! Welcome to my blog - all knitting, all cats, all the time ...come in, get warm and share your thoughts and pics --- it's all good! Mewsings, scratchings, and a long nap in the sun....

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