Originally uploaded by KnittingKitty.
piccie is courtesy of Emma...
So it's been almost 2 weeks since PKF (Philly Knitty Fest) and I must write a little sumpin' sumpin', right?
These are some of the participants that I met or knew had appeared (forgive me if I didn't list or link you properly)
Pam aka Trillian42 (I ganked her list LOL - thanks sweety)
I did PKF-lite so my experience was equal to 3/4 of a day out of Jas' 3-day itinerary..then I had to hop the Amtrak back to MD (see previous post) BUT I had so much fun - can't wait for PKF 08'!!!!
Emma was our super efficient secretary and wrote down random quotes that were heard all day/weekend:
"...I think PKF can be summed up by the various quotes from the weekend.
"Assault with a deadly napkin" - Stariel
"Coffee with babies in it"
"I poke people for yarn"
"Do we need to put velcro on your ass?" - KnittingKitty
"You'll poke people for anything"
"I'm my mom's own little asian sweatshop" - Roxy
"There was some sex and then there were some babies born"
"I think grey with an 'a' looks dumb" - Knittingkitty
"It was the shorts that really disturbed me"
"You know there have been ho's in this hotel"
"Tickle me Koigu"
""An epiphany every round"
"I looked at her boobs and thought 'She's not with us'" - trillian42
"Hail Odin!" - mruiters
"It's a knitting miracle"
"If it explodes under me it's not my ass, it's the chair"
"Did you put out for him"
"Even Amy can't distract me from clearance yarn"
"I swore you said there were monkeys in Portland"
"It fell off, where do you want me to stick it?"
"We need some fiber to push it through"
"Keyser Soyze"
"I'm eating someone else's cheesesteak"
"Are you getting any back there?"
"Bangor. I hardly know her"
"I'm with my people"
"Mel's dropping her balls"
"She is going to True Value for a good screw"
Links to blog posts about the weekend will come later.
Oh yeah.... OMG I had SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!
*Edited to add claimants to quotes*
Last edited by knittingkitty on Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:49 am; edited 1 time in total..."
Just a few things that happened/I discovered:
We stayed in a no-tel just outside of Philly and laughed, knitted and yawned til 2-3-4 am.
Rode in the most amazing London taxi named Wendolene. Owned by Miss Sharon and her cute UtiliKilt-clad hubby.
Attempted to get thrown out of Applebee's on night 1. Googly-eyes, Cat's cradle, and shrimp. Flying napkins. LeeAnn Rimes. Our super-cool wait-staff. Mel knitting on her sockysock.
Ariel does not like hugs (but that's okay *grins* - I should probably ask for permission before hugging people I've never met before. Sorry again sweety if I scared you LOL) but she does knit beautiful socks! Woohoo!
Pam and I were visited by a drunk drug dealer who mistook our room for his...and proceeded to bust open the door. Thank goodness the chain was secure.
We had mimosas and coffee with babies in it at Rosie's Yarn Cellar on Saturday morning. And determined that almost everyone on the East Coast (and some of the West) owns a Monkey Bag. Which prompted me to order one for myself *wink*
That Mel is the fastest damn sock knitter I have ever seen.
We shopped Jas' yarn sale in the hotel rooms (the "can I see that for a minute?" quotes)
I need one of these bags....yawn
Must. get. sleep. I will detail more later because I am on the road ... just buried my beloved Aunt Karen this afternoon in Beverly, WV and tomorrow we are heading to Richmond for this weekend's NASCAR race...will blog from the road some more when we get to the hotel...*mwah*
49/50: Stuck in an elevator with Patrick Roy
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