is a good day to be an American & a Marylander.
It's also my birthday.
I'm 37 and amazed at how fast time flies.
It's been a crazy year, yet there is still much to be done, unpredictable yet comfortable, satisfying yet frustrating.
As for today, nothing special going on - too broke really, since we had to take birthday money we had saved/set aside to pay for repairs to my car, so instead I made 5 lbs. of my famous queso and gave Angel a bath. (Still bleeding as of this moment, too)
Watched the NASCAR race, painted my toes, colored my stripe and some grays, played with some yarn. A very quiet, uneventful day.
Also, knitting and sewing, trying to make a few more items for the Etsy shop, working on my Airy Scarf for the final week or so of Ravelympic competition. My original goal of using the whole ball for my project will not happen - I'm certain of it - but I know I'm going to get a nice, satisfying piece when I am done.
To add flair to my birthday celebration, I have been sick for the last 2 days (complete with a lovely massive cold sore- ew) & John has been fighting a bad flu/ear infection thingy, so we definitely make a fun pair. (Especially since neither one of us was able to actually stay home, with so much to do @ each respctive job. *sigh*)
BUT - I am psyched that Michael Phelps achieved his unbelieveable feat on my effing birthday so it will have extra meaning hee hee.
I just got an IM from a friend asking for the queso recipe again (I had posted it on Plurk a few days ago with a big response) so I will put it here as well.
Roxy's Mad Crazy Tasty Queso
(this is a 5 lb. batch recipe, but you can adjust the quantities to match your needs/taste)
Two 2lb blocks of Velveeta or similar cheese product
3 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese
1 cup sliced jalapenos (the kind that come in a can or jar) chopped finely
1 baseball-sized tomato diced
1/2 red onion chopped
1 tblsp chopped garlic, fresh or jar
1 bunch cilantro, rinsed and chopped
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup jalapeno juice
1/2 cup water
Cut cheese into cubes and place in top portion of a double boiler. Layer jalapenos, tomatoes, garlic, cilantro, onions then top with Monterey Jack cheese. Pour water, lemon & jalapeno juice over top. Bring water in bottom portion to a boil, adding as needed to keep the level up on the sides of the upper pan. Loosely cover with a lid and simmer until all cheese is melted, about 30 minutes, stirring to break up lumps and blend vegetables. Serve with white or blue corn tortilla chips and enjoy!
You can add or subtract vegetable amounts to taste - I like lots of onions & peppers. This recipe is party-sized, so it feeds a lot of people at once or two or three people for a few days LOL
Calorie count is about 5800 for the whole pan, so you can divvy it up into smaller amounts to avoid the temptation of eating it all in one sitting hahaha
Drop me a message to let me know how yours turns out :)
I am going to get a Rita's Ice for dessert, so I will pop back in later if I'm not asleep.
Thank you Michael for making USA & MD proud.