I have been stopped dead in my tracks with a back injury. Yesterday I was at work, doing my usual stuff. When I tried to get up from my chair to retrieve something off the printer, I couldn't move. The pain in my lower back was so bad I almost fell over. It then translated itself into a sciatica attack and then I was knotting up like a pretzel. I popped 4 Advil and prayed that I would make it home. Well, duh, I had to make a pit stop at the grocery store for a few things and promptly threw up in the parking lot when my back twitched in rebellion. I went straight to my chiropractor (who was down the street) and they were awesome enough to see me on the spot. The other alternative was the emergency room, but I said eff that.
So after 30 mins of e-stim and cold therapy, I made it off the table and home to my bed. Doc ordered me off my feet for 24 hours and to rest the legs, with ice as often as possible on my lower spine. So now today I am on the sofa with knitting, a book, my laptop and lots of ice packs. And 2 yowly cats looking for attention.
49/50: Stuck in an elevator with Patrick Roy
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