Meowycakes Clothing Co. =^,,^=
Xerox does it again :)
Thank you to my girl Gayle-Ann at for sharing this info with me. :)
Okay I'm mad that I have to fix my blog image links
Originally uploaded by junku.But in the meantime, here's Anne and her kitten, from Jun's FLickr stream.
K12 Röyksopp Triumphant with lyrics by Tahir Jahi
...take a minute to click through and listen to the talent of Pittsburgh's best export since the Steelers and Heinz ketchup. Tahir Jahi wrote the lyrics for this soulful rap from Royksopp - he's also got plenty more of his cool, smooth, thoughtful, sometimes controversial and fun jams at (PS - he's also a good online buddy of mine :D GO STEELERS!)
Kin has the right idea.
Originally uploaded by junku.I have been stopped dead in my tracks with a back injury. Yesterday I was at work, doing my usual stuff. When I tried to get up from my chair to retrieve something off the printer, I couldn't move. The pain in my lower back was so bad I almost fell over. It then translated itself into a sciatica attack and then I was knotting up like a pretzel. I popped 4 Advil and prayed that I would make it home. Well, duh, I had to make a pit stop at the grocery store for a few things and promptly threw up in the parking lot when my back twitched in rebellion. I went straight to my chiropractor (who was down the street) and they were awesome enough to see me on the spot. The other alternative was the emergency room, but I said eff that.
So after 30 mins of e-stim and cold therapy, I made it off the table and home to my bed. Doc ordered me off my feet for 24 hours and to rest the legs, with ice as often as possible on my lower spine. So now today I am on the sofa with knitting, a book, my laptop and lots of ice packs. And 2 yowly cats looking for attention.
=^.^= konnichiwa!
So I haven't been a good blogger in a long time. I apologize to my 7 regular readers - I do love and appreciate you so I am posting something of substance tonight. I actually don't have much to say outside of my incredibly boring life because all I do I work and go to class. The spring semester is almost over, heading into finals next week, then I start all over again. Well... I hope I start all over again, for summer term. I had to be waitlisted for the 3 classes I selected because A) I'm pokey. and B) I still have a balance on my spring term bill, so I can't officially register until payday and if there is space for my summer selections. So we wait until next week. If not, then it will have to wait until the fall semester, which would annoy me to no end, but that's a post for another day.
Oh wait... we DID get a new addition to the family. We adopted a kitten about a month ago, at 9 1/2 weeks... A baby girl who is a sneaky little sh-t ....just imagine how much badness can be packed into 1.5 lbs of black and white, and you have our new daughter... see photo above and guess from the kitten pile which one is ours?
Her name is Kunoichi AC and she is one of the offspring of my friend Jón's cat Saga. Saga is a beautiful calico from Alabama who is tiny and slinky
and has the prettiest eyes ever. (two points if you can guess what the AC stands for *grins*)
Sooooo... it was a no-brainer that we adopted one of her little ones.
Kuno looks just like Saga but with two colors instead of three.
She is also part billy-goat and a garbage can because she eats anything.
Also, "kunoichi" is Japanese for "female ninja"...very appropriate because she's slithery and sneaky. LOL
Angel is still deciding whether to mentor her or eat her.
I planted a window sill garden of bamboo, wheat grass, black-eyed Susans, pink begonias,
and a Christmas cactus piece I rescued in 2004...that sucker is still alive and blooming. XD
Crocheted (with the help of 2 friends) 50 hacky sacks for charity,
and had my car stolen (then recovered in the same day).
Will be doing the NASCAR thing in Dover this weekend,
after missing both NASCAR in Richmond and Maryland Sheep & Wool a few weeks ago due to sh-t out of my control.
Let's see... anything else going on?
Nope. I sometimes wish for a life less ordinary, but for now, it is what it is :)
I leave you with a deep parting thought for this evening:
When it seems like more and more people in your life (close or casual acquaintance) are disappointing you,
do you feel it is because they actually are? Or...
is it a case of needing to lower your expectations and standards?
Just wondering.
Will be back later.
Much love and catnip,
PS - sending out some love to my girl Jody aka Javajem. Read here
Originally uploaded by junku.Lazy day. I could use a nap. =^.^=
Cwap! Gots ta run!
Cwap! Gots ta run!
Originally uploaded by cbturtlegirl76.2 of my favorite cats - it was Tabby Toosday at Woo!
Angel is...

a Meathead. Just whipped this bad boy up in 2 1/2 hrs. Fun!
Pom pom pom

Saw this in the grocery store last week, they made me smile.

Angel says it's been a long week...

This made me smile. Rosetta Stone Latin American Spanish.