pinky sparkly
Cristi made me a pattern row counter using her now-world-famous technique. I forgot to post it on my last post because I had already attached it to my WIP of Fetching and it made me think abput snapping a pic when I pulled it out this evening to work a few rounds. I love it - it is pinky and sparkly (even thought my camera isn't so great-I have an old HP 635) and so very roxy-like!Thank you for my custom row-counter, Cristi. You were right, it is perfect for this project!On a brief & different note, I had a few people ask me the other day whether or not a certain someone had responded to my "Fed Up - And Brilliant..." post from earlier this month...
Actually that person had,and I didn't give anything worth a damn about what could possibly come out of her lying mouth but since I am a fair and honest person... I'm putting her response here, unedited, direct cut & paste from my file.
***** has left a new comment on your post "Fed up. And brilliant. All in one day.":
April 16, 2005. A little long to expect a person to stay the same, don't you think? People do grow up, you know.
Posted by ***** to Meowycakes Clothing Co. =^,,^= at 10/15/2006 03:15:58 PM
After discussion with several people, it has been determined that in our opinion - no such thing has occurred in her case, especially in relation to this whole situation and everything previous to it. Especially x 2 with that snotty tone, since I personally didn't expect anything from her other that to not be constantly barraged by her extreme annoying immaturity, lies, and excessive phone calls. And - I'm not the one who posted such outlandish crap to a "50 Things About Me" list so I take offense to that same snotty tone in her response from above. (And you can be damn sure The Yankee Boy was NEVER interested in her from the beginning so whatever you all have heard in chat from her in the past, just circle file it.)
I,in fact, think she is nowhere closer to growing up than she thinks she may have. That still reinforces the fact that she is in serious need of a reality check. That is not just my opinion, it is the opinion of many who have been on the sidelines since this whole nonsense began.
She posted this to her blog earlier the day before:
I didn't mean for you guys to save me. I didn't mean for everyone to pull me out. It just happened. I never meant for people to jump in, just because I vented about my problems. So if y'all aren't my friends anymore, that's your choice. But come on. This is my blog and I'll vent if I want.
A beautiful soul calling herself dharma posted some truly sage opinion/advice in the Comments section that same day as well:
Wow. You really pissed some people off....I don't think I've ever seen such drama online. Self-manufactured drama, that is.
Here's the thing...yes, this is your blog, and yes, you can vent here, but from what I've seen and read you went WAAAAY further than venting, and you took it elsewhere than here. You CALLED people. Incessantly, by some accounts. You kind of took advantage of people's good nature, and that's a crappy thing to do (and that's a HUGE understatement). See, it's people like you who make people like me think twice before giving someone money or goods or even time.
I don't know how you can fix this, chickie. I think that you're just going to have to take the bad Karma that you've created for yourself and press on. Oh, and leave the girls who helped you alone, before they get restraining orders against you (and in some places they CAN get a restraining order against you. States are getting hip to electronic communications and statutes are appearing all over the place).
So that is the last contact I personally had with the Leech.We actually hope she gets her sh*t together, hope she realizes that she has no one to blame but herself for her predicaments, and then learns that you don't get far in life by whining, lying, and constantly annoying people. She has burned too many bridges here in MD as far as the 3 of us are concerned, but we hope she can find her way back to a sane, normal place --- eventually --- down the road.
According to her...
Everybody's working for the weekend...
Actually, I LOVE my new job. Full time hours, good pay, and I'm working in a clothing store, which I really like. My parents and I are on good terms again, and this is really working out well. Not getting a lot of online time, but that's OK.
posted by ***** @ 4:34 PM
Maybe she really did mend ways with her family, maybe her aunt & uncle up here (which she conveniently forgot to tell us about in the beginning of all this manufactured drama) are helping her out, maybe not. I take it with a grain of salt because really, it has been determined that you can only cry wolf so many times...
The icing on the cake? She made a claim on the 15th, on the boards, that she was going to pay people back as soon as she got a job and a regular paycheck, and I'm pretty sure that hasn't (or won't even remotely) happened either. Job or the payback. It's even funnier, that in the face of people who really know the truth and the details/backstory, that there continues to be a string of excuses and how woe-is-me is still her normal modus operandi.
It doesn't matter to me in the end, though. I just wanted to answer the questions that were put to me earlier this week. And now I have.
Doing my public service, that's all. *giggles*
Moving on!
On a much more positive note, I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the hubby today! Thank you sweetheart!
(and see the glowy eyes in the background? That's Slinky Baby...)
Tomorrow, I am meeting up with Pam & Alice (and one of her friends) at Stitches East in Baltimore. It should prove to be exciting and interesting :)
Will report back. *salutes*